Chapter Series, 2003 - 2010
Each artwork from this series is based on a chapter from “From Modernism to Postmodernism, An Anthology.” Phrases that retain the essence of the philosophical idea are combined with quotes from contemporary pop culture (usually a TV Show.) These quotes are combined in a spontaneous manner (as some are calculated, but quickly) with images of toys from my childhood, painting effects, and art historical references.

Chapter 38: “From Feminist Empiricism to Feminist Standpoint Epistemologies” Sandra Harding & “Real Housewives of Orange County” 2010, mixed media on paper, 52” x 42”

Chapter 36: “Solidarity or Objectivity” Richard Rorty & “Survivor” 2010, mixed media on paper, 52” x 42”

Chapter 12: “Course in General Linguistics” Saussure & “The Pick Up Artist” 2009, mixed media on paper, 52" x 42"

Chapter 20: “Existentialism” Jean-Paul Sartre and “Who Wants to be a Superhero” 2008, mixed media on paper, 52" x 42"

Chapter 33: “Erring: A Postmodern A/theology” Mark C. Taylor and “Flipping Out” 2008, mixed media on paper, 52" x 42"

Chapter 1: “Meditations on First Philosophy” Rene Descartes and “Sex Type Thing” 2008, mixed media on paper, 52" x 42"

Chapter 31: "What is Post-Modernism?" Charles Jencks and Oprah "Change your bra, change your life" 2007, mixed media on paper, 52" x 42"

Chapter 28: “The Coming of Post-Industrial Society” Daniel Bell and “Mad Money” 2006, mixed media on paper, 52“ x 42”

Chapter 16: "Civilization And Its Discontents" Sigmund Freud and Dr Phil 2006, mixed media on paper, 52" x 42"

Chapter 39: "The Cartesian Masculinization of Thought" Susan Bardo and WWE 2006, mixed media on wood, 48" x 36"

Chapter 10: “How to Make our Ideas Clear” Charles S Peirce and Holmes 1 Touch Tower Quartz Heater’s Owners Manual 2005, mixed media on wood, 48“ x 36”

Chapter 25 “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History” Michel Foucault & “Rocky III” 2004, mixed medium on wood, 48" x 36"

Chapter 25: Michel Foucault and Extenze 2003, mixed medium on paper, 51" x 36"

Chapter 17: Jose Ortega y Gasset & George Bush 2003, mixed medium on paper, 51" x 36"

Chapter 29: "Symbolic Exchange and Death" Jean Baudrillard & "Guiding Light" 2006, mixed media on paper, 42" x 52"